Monday, November 30, 2015

Samuel Teddy Bear ~ 10 months

Samuel is 10 months old now. Time is just flying by and we all keep talking about him turning one soon and Soren and I are having the hardest time with it. We want this baby to stay small for forever. 

This was the first picture I took but soon it went to this...
He was not having it this month. But this has been our life. He was a total beast this month while getting his first tooth. Two more teeth are in the works and we're hoping he's not as grumpy with those but so far it's not looking good. He cries every time the kids leave him and go to their room to play or go to bed without him. He crawls everywhere and gets into everything these days. His favorite thing is peek-a-boo and Soren.

These pictures make me get all teary. Soren was playing with his action figures and of course Sam crawled over, but instead of picking up and moving his toys, he handed some to Sam and played with him. It was the sweetest moment between these two brothers. Soren sure does love having a little brother and Sam already adores his older brother. I hope these two stay friends for a really long time.

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